Day 598 - Sleep loops -

Sleep really is the first mover. It shapes your moods. And your moods shape how you perceive the world, the work you do, and the quality of life you have.

I’ve been sleep deprived for a while. It all started when the baby arrived. Sleep biohacking was less about optimising sleep but about making sleep deprivation less difficult. It got worse lately when I was burned out, feeling low and lacked energy and motivation to keep up my sleep habits.

And once sleep as a foundation goes down, everything else falls.

It’s like a vicious feedback loop.

I don’t sleep enough, I feel low energy, I struggle through the day, I struggle to maintain good sleep hygiene, I sleep poorly, struggle even more tomorrow, rinse and repeat.

But thankfully somehow something shifted and I decided to get into a 8h sleep rhythm.

I’ve done about a week of 8h, and damned… it’s such a huge difference!

I feel rested, I feel better, I don’t struggle with just getting through the day, that gives me some bandwidth to better manage sleep, I sleep better, and struggle less tomorrow. My moods improved, I feel better, stronger. I exercise more. Work feels less stressful. I don’t feel under attack by the world all the time. I got more presence for my wife and son.

A virtuous loop now.
