Day 737 - Chase real dopamine -

There's lots of talk about dopamine fasts or detoxes, but I think they got it wrong. Dopamine is not the villain here. Not all dopamine are created equal. It's how and what triggers it. It's about the quality or source of where you're getting the dopamine from.

🤡 Fake dopamine:
- eating junk food
- doomscrolling Twitter
- mindlessly scrolling Tiktok
- sitting in front of the TV all evening
- window shopping aimlessly in a mall
- fighting with/cancelling someone online
- constantly checking your phone notifications
- gossiping on someone's Instagram post or IRL
- letting Netflix pull you into yet another episode
- buying random things you don't need from Amazon

💎 Real dopamine:
- eating well
- working out
- sleeping well
- going for a run
- getting some sun
- achieving your goals
- taking a walk in a park
- spending time with family
- working on your side project
- not missing a day in your habit streak
- cooking a great meal for your loves ones

... well you get the idea

It's ultimately about ***mindful consumption***, not just of eating and drinking but also media, conversations, sensual pleasure, or even unwholesome ideas, emotions, thoughts.

Real dopamine is definitely something I want to chase more of in 2023. And there's no need for guilt around it - the more the better!