Day 843 - Sun on Sundays -

Sundays are best spent under the sun.

We cycled at the beach today. Blue skies. Blazing hot sun. Breeze lightly brushing our hair.

Everyone's out. It's a long weekend after all. Hundreds of picnics. A bunch of beach volleyball players. Whole families on family cart bikes. We're usually here on weekdays to avoid the crowd, but it's interesting to see different people who come here on weekends.

We make a stop at a breakwater. Then a tiny jetty. And then head off to the cafe to hide from the sweltering heat, for some much-needed lunch. Like any normal family on a Sunday. Just hanging out and chilling.

*I don't do this enough. We don't do this enough.*

I remember I just said to my wife that at our life stage, our time with our kid and our elderly parents are limited. And decreasing fast everyday. The less time spent in front of a computer, the more time spent out in the sun with them, is how winning at life looks like.

Not accolades, money, or status.

A question I heard about recently that stuck with me, and almost brings me to tears each time i think about it:

"Imagine you're 80 and you're given the opportunity to travel back in time back to this moment, with your kid/parent. Only this moment. How would you choose to spend it?"

I'll definitely spend it with full presence with them. Soak it in. Enjoy it.

Everything else doesn't matter.