Day 749 - AI makes us more human -

With AI like ChatGPT, never has the need to be more utterly and beautifully human been more pressing.

All the more reason to build imperfectly in public, show some vulnerability, make friends, build relationships, be authentic and human.

Because nobody's going to like a flawed piece of software, but humans are the only ones with the privilege to own our flaws and other humans will actually find that cool.

Because "AI-powerred" plattitudes will be so easy to tweet now, that you got to show more unique personality, even weirdness! I actually love following weirdos who embrace their weirdness, as I want to do the same too.

Because AI will bring about a prosiac sameness to content and media, while people will come to appreciate other people who don't use it or use it to assist not replace.

Because vulnerability is bad for software but good for humans. We lose trust in software with vulnerability but we actually trust someone more when they show vulnerability.

Because ultimately, people like interacting with other people, buying from other people, connecting with other people, not robots.

And ironically, AI will mirror back to us what's truly valuable, what truly matters to us humans.

Funny that it had to take a robot to show us what being human means.

Inspired by the conversations prompted by this [tweet](