Day 565 - Do more of things you don't feel like doing but never regret doing after -

This feels like a good question to ponder, as therein lies the opportunity for growth:

"Heuristic for activities to do more of:

• Things you don’t always feel like doing
• Things you never regret doing after

For me, that’s:

• Exercising
• Meditating
• Foam rolling
• 30-minute calls with new people
• Taking walks without my phone

What would you add?"

– @dickiebush

No point doing things that I don’t feel like doing but sometimes regret doing after – it’s a lose-lose.

No point doing things that I feel like doing but regret doing after – it’s probably vices.

No point reflecting about doing things that I feel like doing and don’t regret after – these get done one their own volition, without any additional push. I can think of passion hobbies, traveling.

So… what are things I don’t always feel like doing but never regret doing after?

- Sleeping early
- Eating right
- Exercise
- Running
- Meditate
- Being in Nature
- Swimming in the sea
- Having downtime
- Doing hand craft
- Sketching
- Listening to music
- Walking without destination
- Meeting up with close friends
- Watching less TV
- Less smartphone screentime
- Less work
- Less junk food
- Less junk media

What else should I add to the list?