Day 463 - A to-do list of things that others want you to do -

"I started dividing my to-do list into 1) things I have to do, 2) things I want to do, and 3) things other people want me to do. Life changing! I often don’t get to 3 and I finally realized omg, is this what it means to have boundaries?! 🤯🤯🤯"
– @jdesmondharris

I love the 3rd to-do list – a to-do list of things that others want you to do.

Because so often we lump them together with our own to-dos, and our priorities go whack. What I love most however is how this is a concrete way of having boundaries.

Having this others’ to-do list feels like a more introvert, composed way of asserting boundaries. You want me to do something? Sure, let me put you on the to-do list and I’ll prioritize it accordingly. You’ll have to wait though…

Now out with the “to-do, doing, done” kanban board to-do list, and in with the “have to, want to and others’ want to” to-do list!
Jason Leow Author

Oh that's cool. What's your usual day like?

Carl Poppa 🛸

8-10am things ppl want me to do, 10am-3pm things i have to do, 3-6pm things i want to do!

Jason Leow Author

I noticed your wants are last… is that intentional? 😄

Carl Poppa 🛸

just realised that i already structure my day like this, without knowing it!

Carl Poppa 🛸

prefer to get "work-work" stuff out of the way first. then as the day goes by, on to more interesting things :) this way i end the work day feeling happy haha

Carl Poppa 🛸

basically: | client work | Maynuu stuff | self-learning stuff & other exploratory / fun stuff |

Jason Leow Author

Save the dessert for last 😉


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