Day 220 - Selective digital detox

Recently, to get to alternative points of view about various social issues, I had to dig deep into more unsavoury parts of the internet. As expected, I’d find a gem on rare occasions. 90% of the time – just pure poison.

So I’m going to detox from these toxic channels for a while, and just participate in the ones that give me light.

So bye bye Facebook, some Telegram groups, local news. Especially local news.

Hello Maker Twitter, Lifelog, podcasts, Discord/Slack groups.

It’s funny how it’s the ultra-niche channels based on my passions that uplift me in dark times. And most of them are filled with strangers whom I’d never even met, and share zero commonality by location, culture or country.

But makes perfect sense now.

And a great opportunity to time to triple down on the work I love than be distracted by, pulled away, and tossed about by silly arguments on the internet.