Day 451 - Infinite runway -

When your monthly revenue matches your monthly expenses, you hit infinite runway.

Some call this ramen profitability. I like ramen, but not that much. There’s a larger sense of possibility by calling it “infinite runway”. By not calling out the bare minimum but highlighting the theoretical maximum, it’s so much more inspiring.

Infinite runway is that ideal state where you can keep going, working on your product, at your own pace and time, yet still keep feeding your family. It’s where you can start to taste the freedom. The total freedom from not needing to think about going back to a 9-to-5. That sense of relief, that freeing feeling, is the best feeling in the world.

Taste that freedom long enough, and you start to acquire a liking—even addiction—to it. It becomes your default. You can’t do it any other way anymore.

You become unemployable.

Yes, infinite runway is where I want to end up on.