Day 830 - Wise quitting -

"Don't give up." has got to be my favourite overall life achievement hack when growing up. Not surprisingly, it's always served me well in school and sports. It's like 100% hit rate. So learning that it's not true when my indie entrepreneurship journey was difficult.

But recently I realised it's not a total collapse of that notion. But more about adding nuance to it. I can give up a battle, but still not lose the war.

I can give up a project, but not lose staying indie.

Perspective perspective.

Closing a project when the data shows, isn't giving up. It's reprioritizing.
Stopping the project when my motivation for it runs dry, isn't giving up. It's re-directing.
Putting a project on hold when platform risk is too high isn't giving up. It's re-calculating.

By giving up a failed project, I can then redirect my energy and focus on something else, with a potentially higher chance to win the bigger war. Because of what practical lessons and experience from the failed project. Because now I'm smarter for it. Because I know what didn't work, I can avoid those factors and by reduction, I get closer to what works.

Now, that's **wise quitting**.