Day 669 - October wrap-up -

πŸ“ˆ Current MRR (all from Lifelog): $119 (β†’$0)
πŸ“Š One-off revenue: $261 (↓$90)
πŸ’° Total revenue: $380 (↓$90)
🏦 Total profit: $323.6 (↓$106.40) (excl. salary and consulting costs)

πŸ‘€ Tweet impressions: 232k vs 240k
πŸ’™ Likes: 2.6k vs 2.1k
πŸ’¬ Engagement rate: 3.9% vs 3.9%
🏑 Profile visits: 32.7k vs 36.6k
πŸ“£ Mentions: 1088 vs 996
πŸ‘£ New followers: 280 vs 211
πŸ“§ Email subscribers: 40 (↑4)

Looking back at my intentions for October:

Practising gratitude by doing well for my consulting gig
Aligning to my values and own authentic self
Doing some groundwork for building in Nov/Dec
I think I managed to practice all three. The gig is completing, and I expect to wind down for the year by mid Nov. Yet because I’ve stopped building for two months, I’m eager to jump back to coding my products then. Hope to have some active rest, and just work at my own place then.

Alignment continues to feel good. Every time I make a tiny tweak to my profile on Twitter, Makerlog or some other social platform, I feel better about it. I’m incrementally piecing the puzzle that’s my authentic online self.

My early thoughts for the building phase to come: It’ll be about doing my own thing, following my own instincts. And dropping a lot more of the current indie hacker practices I’m doing but no longer interests or serve me. Considering dropping revenue progress charts and updates, for example. It’s already shifting that way since this month.

Overall, October felt like the start of a 180ΒΊ shift in my indie solopreneur approach… in time for the new year to come.