Day 279 - Hormesis, the law of life you never heard of

One of those interesting laws of the universe and life that you never heard of – hormesis.

Basically, hormesis is what we mean when we say “The dose makes the poison.” What’s beneficial and favourable at a low dose becomes toxic at a high enough dose.

When you see this law, suddenly important in life everything seems to follow it.

– Food and water: Eating and drinking to the level you need is healthy, but over-eat/drink becomes bad for health.

– Workouts: Lifting weights, doing HIIT, running a few times a week are healthy stressors on the body. Workouts creates microtears in your muscle, which leads to hypertrophy – muscle/strength growth. But do HIIT everyday, and it might be too much stress for the body to recover from.

– Money: Nothing is more annoying than an unhappy billionaire. After survival and basic comfort needs are fulfilled, any more money brings with it more problems. If you’re a billionaire, you’ve likely over-reached.

– Social media consumption: It’s great to stay in touch with old friends once in a while, see what they’re up to, celebrate their life milestones. But hang around all day every day on Instagram and Facebook, celebration turns to envy, envy to jealousy, jealousy to anxiety.

– Entrepreneurship: Hustling is great, but too much and you burnout. Hustling needs to be paired with intentional rest to allow you to stay within the hormetic zone. Works much like workouts and muscle hypertrophy.