Day 564 - Right thing, wrong timeline -

"Many people stop doing the right thing because they’re measuring it on the wrong timeline." – @AlexHormozi(

I know that making a living from internet products is the right path for me.

But perhaps I got the timeline wrong.

The frustration I feel with my lack of results is totally the consequence of misunderstanding the timeline.

I've seldom done something this long without reaching the objective I set. Seldom in all 4 decades of my life. In the past when I set my mind to it, I mostly can achieve it within 1-2 years, tops.

In school.
In sports.
In career.

"Patience with results, impatience with actions" - @Naval

Adding further fuel to the fire of frustration, I've always had problems with the patience. It's an uphill struggle practising this virtue. I know it's important, but it's just so hard.

The most challenging part is the right things in life and business often have no certain timelines. 10 months, or 10 years? It's anyone's guess. So it's hard to know what's the "right" timeline. In my case, I'm sure it's wrong, since it's giving me so much grief.

Perhaps then, being intentional about setting expectations is key. The horror is that I've never once sat down to set expectations. I've always assumed results will speedily arrive once I put myself to it. I've never quite asked myself:

- How long do I expect it to take?
- What if it takes way longer than expected?
- How long am I willing to commit?
- Do I have what it takes?
- Am I willing to trade off time for the reward?

Good time then, to think about this.