Day 702 - Sleep fundamentals, again -

Lately I'm been sleeping poorly. Again.

Every time when my sleep gets bad, 9 out of 10 times I know it's because I veered off my sleep fundamentals. It's not even about using the latest sleep biohacking tech or supplements. When the core basics are off, no tech can help.

And thinking through, I am indeed breaking many sleep fundamentals:

- Late dinner. Eating within 1-2h of sleeping affects sleep quality. And I eat late because i work late.
- Late cut-off for work. Usually I have an alarm reminder to get me off my compueter by 4pm. But usually I linger a bit till 5pm. Lately, I'm working till past 8pm. Baaad idea. The extra screen time and blue light, the ensuing late dinner, all clocks up to poor sleep later.
- Screentime at night, and before sleep. Usually once I stop work, I don't check my phone. But lately I'm doomscrolling after that, and even right before bed. The blue light isn't helping with getting me in the my
- Slacking off on morning walk and exercise. Exercise always helps with sleep. Sometimes I'm not physically tired enough at the end of the day, and it makes it harder to fall asleep.
- Stress. Recent consultancy gigs had been somewhat stressful, and that impacted sleep. On top of that, I'm working later into the day and through weekends. Not enough time to decompress.
- Too much caffeine. I recently switched to drinking local coffee, which is a stronger brew. And sometimes drinking it past 2-3pm.

This seems to be a lesson I circle back pretty often. You're never *done* done, even though you've learned it once. There's always new seasons, new challenges, new lessons, or old lessons relearned in new ways.

Sleep is such a infinite game.