Day 85 - Details matter, but not all details are created equal

"People who excel tend to obsess over the details. People who struggle also tend to obsess over the details. The difference is what details they focus on. Minutiae vs polish. Most things don’t matter—but when it does, you want to get the details right." - James Clear

I hope I’m mostly in the former group, and if not, I certainly aspire to be. I want to focus attention on details that matter. Pragmatic polish, not meaningless minutiae. And I want to excel and succeed because of it.

I want to do work that delights others through such polish. The little delights, like the animated notification bell in Lifelog. I made so many features for Lifelog, but guess what, that tiny bell with the red dot is my favourite thing. Meaningful, pleasurable, yet practical, utilitarian. A worthwhile investment on your attention.