Day 345 - What to build with GPT-3?

After waiting for almost a year, I finally got access to @OpenAI’s GPT-3!

Can’t wait to tinker with it for Lifelog and other project ideas. Love how timely this is – just when I’m done with my #100daysofmarketing challenge. Nothing like something new and shiny to get me back into hacking.

Brainstorming potential ideas and use cases:

• Summarizer
• Paraphraser
• Critique
• Prompter
• Keyword extracter
• Translator

Other project ideas
• Text to website builder
• Text to UI prototypes
• Javascript code generator
• CSS library generator
• AI copywriter
• Chat bot
• Email generator
• Content ideas generator
• Ecommerce product descriptor
• Ideator
• Coding helper

What other project ideas can you think of?