Day 801 - Airports -

We just went to hang out at the airport yesterday. Yes, it's a weird thing we do in Singapore. Our airports are like destinations in itself. Shopping mall, food, and entertainment all rolled into one. Of course it helps that our airport looks like this:

![Changi Airport Jewel](

Airports always had a special place in my heart.

Before the pandemic when I worked at cafes everyday, I used to enjoy coming to the airport to work. The vibe here is just different. There's an air of excitement, anticipation, and aliveness that comes from people who are either departing for overseas travel or arriving as a visitor. I love soaking in that buzz. Even if I wasn't travelling, just being there gives me a feeling of hope and optimistism for life. Seeing visitors from other countries marvel at my country gives a funny sense of pride, and allows me to see my own country through fresh eyes.

The departure and arrival halls are one of my favourite places to hang out and people-watch. There you see human affection and love in full display. People saying goodbyes with longing in their eyes to one another at departure. Folks arriving and scanning the crowd for their loved one with a confused look in their eyes, and then the surprise and joy of finally finding them, and the hugs that follow.

If you want to restore faith in humanity, airports are the place to be.