Day 675 - Expectations -

Expectations is spice. It makes things taste better. But used on the wrong thing, it makes things worse.

Expectations get me to my goals faster. If I expect my product to improve 1% every day, I expect that my daily effort will bring me there. If I expect that hard work will eventually get me to my goals, then I will work hard. Cause and effect, and the expectations of that cause and effect.

It works when expectation is aligned to reality. Only when aligned with reality.

But that isn’t always true, and when it’s out of whack, expectations hold you back than push you forward.

If there’s no product-market fit, working hard is working hard on the wrong thing, going in the wrong direction. Expectations that hard work will pay off won’t change the reality that you’re moving in the wrong direction, and will never hit your goals. No amount of reality distortion will change that. The sun will never rise from the west, no matter how much I believe it.

When I expect something to be my main project that will liberate me from 9-5, my expectations would be to keep hammering at it, keep trying to grow it till it does. It’s the Chosen One. I will reach my goal if I had faith and keep going. But it was on the wrong path from the start. No amount of growth hacks, promoting and selling will change that reality. No amount of faith will ever get you there.

So right matching of expectation to product or goal, is mission-critical. Basically, being realistic, and having good judgement to not let what I think I want cloud what’s really happening.

Lifelog suffered that. For too long I’ve expected it to grow just because I expect it to. Because it’s my first ever SaaS, my main project, my Chosen One. So I kept going. I’m pretty stubborn with keeping at things until it hits my goal. But I was so wrong this time. I was blind to the reality and the data I was shown. That it won’t grow till some big changes are made. More features to be built. Less expectations to be had. Little presumptions for MRR growth. Perhaps after that it will stand a chance.

So, no more expectations. It’s holding me and Lifelog back.

I’ll get back to before I had expectations, and just see the product as it is, as what it does, right now.

Just watch and see.