Day 937 - Consulting vs indie hacking -

Most days I'm grateful for my consulting work. It's meaningful, does social good, and pays the bills.

But on other days, I feel held back by it.

I was inspired to make the [animated chart gif generator idea]( and been trying to start it for some weeks now, but with ongoing consulting projects, it's hard to even sit down to get started.

I'm still grateful for the ability it gives me to feed my family. But sometimes can't help but feel like my progress could be so much faster if I could focus.

With consulting and freelancing, your runway is theoretically infinite, it reduces the stress of survival, but it takes time away from your indie products. It's hardest when inspiration clashes with commitment.

With just indie hacking, I get so much freedom for my health, time, and creative autonomy. But it can't feed my family yet. It would be so stressful to depend on it.

Pros and cons, hard trade-offs I guess.

Only just yesterday I managed to close one project with the client. There's still one onoing, and another one coming up in Q3. So there's a bit of breathing room now.

Relieved, yet excited to finally get started on yet another new product!