Day 591 - 8h sleep goal -

I’m going to try something to get out of my sleep funk and overall low energy slump.

It’s timely. My consulting project is going full swing in September, and I feel I need to build myself physically back up again to be able to last the full days of workshops I’m leading. Truth is, I just did a half day workshop this week and I’m shattered. Legs aching from standing. Needed a 1-2 days rest after to recover. This can’t happen when I need to conduct full day workshops over 2 weeks.

Since I can’t muster up the intrinsic motivation to change things, maybe extrinsic motivation like this consulting project can help then. at this point, I’ll take anything that works.

So I’m going to try to get 8h of sleep every day from now till start of September. I’m going to exercise daily in the morning. I’m going to eat well. I’m going to wind down for the evening properly. I’m going to prioritize self care. I’m going to get my family on board for this.

I’m going to do what’s required to:

- Feel rested from sleep
- Feel stronger in body
- Feel sharper in mind
