Day 651 - Epitaph -

Saw this line on LinkedIn today:

"And so it's over. So many things that went wrong. But also many things that went right."

Thought that's a great epitaph. Could go on my list of possible contenders for my tombstone for sure.

But the curious follow-up question is: What went right?

If I had to make a future, post-humous list of the things that went right for my life:

- Came back as a human - that's the one in a trillion lottery win already
- Got born in a nice part of the world where I can not just survive but thrive
- Born with limbs and things intact
- Had lovely parents
- Found love
- Got married
- Had a kid
- Loved them all
- Travelled the world
- Found peace
- Died happy

I made up the last three. But if I can achieve them by my deathbed, it'll be sufficient.

Doing such thought experiments always gives such a good overview effect.

What of MRR? Revenue? Going viral? Having huge following? Creating great products that delight people? Earning a million dollars? How about a billion dollars? What of all these things and goals you want in your career and life?

Yeah they're good. *Nice to have.* But not fundamentally important. Not mission-critical. None that can be equal to anything on my list.

So many things that could go wrong, had went wrong.

But also many things that could go right, ended up right, or better. And more to come.