Day 663 - Creative thirst -

When I go too long without creating something—anything—I feel like I’m shrivelling up like a fish out of water. The metaphor is spot on, because being creative to me often feels like a fish swimming in the life-giving sea. Only in the water can the fish breathe, survive and be in its true element. Out of the water for too long, it jumps around seeking water, till it eventually dies.

And that’s how I feel after a few months of consulting and not much creating and building.

I mean, I’m grateful for the consulting. I truly am. It’s the only thing that’s putting food on the table – something I’m painfully aware of. I wrote about the gratitude I feel to be able to still do it. I went all out to do a good job, and I achieved that. But after months of not building my indie products, I’m feeling like that metaphorical fish.

Every year it’s the same seasons and same emotional journeys. I recall feeling the same way last year. Over the years I start to recognise it, and become comfortable with the changes.

It’s just the natural seasons of the soul. Nothing wrong, nothing to fix.

But it does mean I’m feeling ready to get back to creating and building again. That thirst is back.

Creative thirst.

And in a way it’s good to cultivate this creative thirst every now and then by switching over to something else. Because sometimes working on my indie projects can feel like an old tired relationship. Like an unhappy marriage that went on too long without love and spark. You need that occasional distance to get some perspective, and “make the heart fonder”.

And the heart sure is fonder now. I can’t wait to finally get back to working on Lifelog, on my Carrd plugins, on all the other ideas I have.

Soon. November.