Day 866 - Keto » Intuitive eating -

I started keto in September 2019. It's been almost 4 years, and how it had evolved since! Lately I'm moving through yet another phase, so I thought I should do a recap of how it's unfolding:

- **Year 1 - Strict keto phase**: It started with strict keto. Just 20g of carbs per day, high fat, some protein. And 16/8 intermittent fasting. Just following all the rules to the tee. No fruits except a few strawberries or blackberries. I got keto flu initially, recovered from it, but it was still hard. I got through by keto bakes and treats, and lots of coconut yoghurt. I lost 10kg in 3 months, went down 2-3 notches on my belt, but it was too much. I looked too guant and thin.

- **Year 1 - Maintenance keto phase**: I got slightly less strict. Tried to put back some of that lost weight but increasing some carbs from keto bakes, cruciferous vegetables. Stopped IF. Still didn't touch the bad boys like rice, sugar and milk. Still high fat, moderate protein. I gained back some water weight, started to look more normal.

- **Year 2 - Meat heavy keto**: Interesting, the body started to crave more protein at this point, so I went to high protein, moderate fat. Had more fatty pork, ribeyes, and leafy vegetables. I felt more satiated, and less queasy from not taking in so much fat. This was where the keto bakes started to taper off too, as sugar alcohols started to mess with my gut. The surprising thing was: I gained back all the lost 10kg of mass, but not the dad bod and belly (my clothes continued to be loose). Seems like the body was taking in all that protein from years of undereating protein and building it back into the body. I slowly lost interest in greens, and stayed on the meat.

- **Year 2 - Carnivore**: Then I went all in on carnivore. Mainly just meat and fat and eggs. No milk still. Almost no vegetables and fibre – when I eat it it's a bite or two in a week. It's pretty hardcore, but I started to develop a better sense of what my body needed. That embodied intuition was growing. Some days I would fast in the morning. Then when I started to feel tired or weak in the morning, I would stop fasting. My gut issues all but disappeared – no more bloatedness, no farts, queasiness or any issues at the toilet. It's the best it's ever been while on carnvore.

- **Year 3 - Low carb**: Somewhere along the carnivore path I contracted COVID, and felt like I needed to have some carbs during that period. I just fed what the body needed – rice, fruits, fibre. Thus began the experiments back into carbs again. This sounds like a low carb phase but actually it felt more like mostly carnivore, sprinkled with some carbs here and there. I started taking some fresh milk in my coffee. Butter was morning breakfast. I had occasional cheat days—around once a week—where I took some sugary treats after my main carnivore meal.

- **Year 3 - Intuitive paleo**: Now I'm following more intuitive eating. Foods-wise, more like paleo. Whole foods like meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds. I still stick to more fatty meats, leafy vegetables and low sugar fruits, some nuts. I still avoid most processed foods, sugar, soft drinks, ice cream, though I treat myself on some days. I limit my intake of grains and carbs like rice - around a few mouthfuls, depending on how I feel that day. Some days I don't take any grains altogether if I'm feeling 'off'. My gut is protesting more now especially during festive periods, so occasionally I go back to carnivore mode to rest the system. The best part is, I check in and listen to my body during every meal now. I've finally established a better relationship with my body. I got more embodied. The weight is still off, and yet I feel mostly fine on a higher carb routine. To say it's intuitive paleo phase lacks nuance actually. Truth is, I switch between keto, carnivore, and paleo based on what my body tells me. These ways of eating are now tools in my toolkit.

I think this journey that started from keto to now intuitve eating was really about getting back to a better relationship with my body. To become less disembodied. To stop emotional eating.

3 years on hitting year 4, I finally feel like I'm getting somewhere.

Thank god.