Day 734 - Second chance -

Congratulations, it's a new year. It's your second chance.

At anything. Everything.

All the things you couldn't do last year, now is the time. Stuff you got wrong for years, you just had yet another opportunity to make it right. Good habits that never stuck, side projects that never launched, investments never made – today's the day.

Because you're still alive. And being alive means every day is a second chance.

Writer Jeanette Winterson via [James Clear]( on second chances, in her book *Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal*:

> "I know now, after fifty years, that the finding/losing, forgetting/remembering, leaving/returning, never stops. The whole of life is about another chance, and while we are alive, till the very end, there is always another chance."

It's such a beautiful way to describe life. It's all about another chance. Right till our deathbed, our last breath.

I wrote a lot about my [aspiration]( and [intentions for the new year](, projects I wish to do, [questions I want answers to]( But verily, all of it aren't NEW new things. They are all second chances. Shots on goal where I missed previously. Some for many years already. Like my fitness goals. Or sleep. Or revenue. Maybe I might hit them this year. If I do, there'll be a new target to replace what I hit, and I'd miss again somewhere down the line.

Over and over again.

Indeed, "the finding/losing, forgetting/remembering, leaving/returning, never stops".

It's second, third, fourth chances all the way.
