Day 213 - August

My goals for August are simple:

• Hit $100 MRR for Lifelog (Current: $60 , so need 4 more subscribers)
• Find 1 reliable distribution channel for marketing, that I can use on a recurring basis

Other side quests:
Plugins For Carrd - there’s been requests for me to add some plugins, so will follow the energy:

card listing + search plugin
top banner plugin
product tiers: individual vs enterprise license
Tech for good - I’m planning to make yet another COVID tool for local purposes. Safe distancing restrictions in Singapore are constantly evolving, yet there doesn’t seem to be a constant ‘one-stop shop’ that people can keep referring to when new rules are announced. It’ll be a static informational site based off Google Sheets as a MVP, so shouldn’t be difficult. A next level version could be automated to crawl the relevant government websites for the right information, without needing me to manually input.

Onwards to August!