Day 597 - Weekly recap magic -

Every week, I do a weekly recap and reflect on the things in the past week based on these 4 questions:

- What's adding energy?
- What's draining?
- What moves the needle?
- What to reduce/remove?

A few magical things about doing analog weekly recaps so far:

- It's really about the session, not what I write. I give myself space and time to stare out I drink tea. I dwell. I'm not trying to be productive. I daydream. I listen to music. I listen to myself. It's the me time downtime I deserve and need. It's about intentional self care.

- Everything I write under the category "What to reduce/remove?" gets done done. It's like magic. I would assume I get the stuff under "What's adding energy / What moves the needle?" done more, but it's the acts of omission that I do more religiously than the acts of addition. The funny thing? I don't go out of my way to get it done. I write it down, and I don't even look at it again until one week later. Yet I get it reduced or removed during the week. It's like after writing it down, my subconscious acts on its own accord. And the following week when I look back, I surprised I've removed it. Every. Single. Week.

- It's a good sign when you struggle to find things to reduce/remove. A much better indicator that you're doing something right. You removed all the conditions and obstacles that led to distraction, low energy/motivation, or hold you back. I struggled to come up with one thing to remove yesterday during my recap. Serious. And I kept having new things to add to the category "What's adding energy?" My insight: Remove the barriers, and the blessings emerge on their own.

Honestly, I started doing weekly recaps without expectations. But it's delivering way more than I imagined. Highly recommended.