Day 584 - What I really want -

What I don't want:

- Becoming a billionaire. That's a true sign I've overreached.
- Running a huge company. Managing people is exhausting.
- Owning expensive cars, houses. At some point these things start owning you.
- Be famous. Fame is overrated. More downsides than upsides.

What I really want:

- Being able to earn enough (survival limit $5k/m, upper limit $100k/m) to give my family a good life.
- Being a digital nomad family, because we can afford it.
- Not worrying about money and financing the education of my child
- Treat my parents well. They won't be around all that long.
- Not let my wife worry about survival. Being able to provide is important to me.
- Having quality time with my closest loved ones.
- Having great health. Being 10 years younger physically than my calendar age.
- Free from physical ailments
- Train hard and get fit
- Getting above 90% sleep scores every single night
- Being able to travel anywhere, anytime, without worry of work or money.
- Travel the world with my wife and kid
- Travel the world with my parents.
- Eating great wholesome foods and not batting an eyelid about price.
- Creating creative sh*t audaciously, and not caring about whether there's traffic or users.
- Making fun stuff that's fun to use and fun to make
- Pick up watercolor painting
- Learn Japanese
- Live in Kyoto long term to learn from a master craftsman
- Live in Iceland and learn their folk myths
- Live in Ubud and immerse in the peace and nature
- Create travel films
- Write poetry
- Learn to drive
- Be rich 'enough' and be good
- Be lazy
- Live near the sea, live in a jungle
- Embrace my weirdness
- Travel to space. because why the hell not?
Jason Leow Author

@poppacalypse Hopefully in our lifetime we get to see it get cheap enough!

Josh Manders Staff

Solid goals, I align with a lot of these!

Jason Leow Author

@joshmanders yeaahhhhh bro πŸ€œπŸ€›

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

i want to go to space too πŸ›Έ

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

these are some awesome goals ✨

Jason Leow Author

Thanks man! πŸ™Œ Writing it down to remind myself what really matters


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