Day 493 - Being inefficient is efficient for luck -

“Recognizing good opportunities requires plenty of idle time, wandering about, tinkering, trial and error, long walks, randomized attention, and other ‘inefficiencies’ of that sort.” – @dvassallo

I’m slowly beginning to realise why working too hard, stressing myself out isn’t good not just for my health but also my luck.

Is that why despite starting indie hacking since 2018, I’m still nowhere near the success I seek? (Which is just ramen profitability on my products, excluding consulting).

That’s because I conflated success with being efficient in my work habits.

But in fact, I need to be inefficient.

I need to do everything opposite of what I’m taught in school, sports and office about what it means to succeed. Because that’s a different, linear and predictable world compared the stochastic world of entrepreneurship. An opposite universe where the laws of physics are flipped, where gravity lifts people up, where the sun rises from the west, where reward doesn’t rise with effort.

From school, all I’ve ever known is studying hard brings good results.
From sports, all I’ve ever known is discipline in training brings trophies.
From office, all I’ve ever known is working overtime brings promotions.

But from being a creator, entrepreneur, all I’ve ever known is none of the above guarantees anything at all.

Necessary, but not sufficient.

I just hope I can overcome my stubbornness and eventually adapt to this new universe before all hopes for achieving those dreams are dashed.

I hope.