Day 797 - Good days, little wins -

This indie solopreneur journey seem to get more bad days than good ones. I dare say, in a ratio of 9:1 probably.

Every day, a new challenge, a difficult customer, or some platform risk or failure you never expected. I'm so used to firefighting and running on adrenaline that I sometimes forget to enjoy the good days when it happens. And to take a moment at least to celebrate it.

What makes a good day for you as an indie hacker, solopreneur?

I got 3 sales of my Carrd plugins today. That's rare. And that's a good day for me.


And one of it dropped at 1:53am when I was asleep. Such payment notifications bring double the joy, because there's no better alarm clock and jet fuel to start the day than to see it when you wake. Despite the fact that I've been getting payments for my plugins for 2 years now, it still never ceases to amaze me to receive them. Because I'm completely clueless where these customers come from! Marketing is like the dark arts to me. The causation loops are loose and lagging, and I can never be totally sure if anything I did for marketing was effective. So grateful that despite me not knowing how it all works, it still somehow works.

Little wins, for the win. 😊