Day 814 - Side project weekends -

A happy problem is when you got consulting projects that keep the family fed and revenue-generating indie projects that's growing steadily, but no time for side projects.

There's always work to do for the former two. I'm busy 24/7 with something revenue-generating. It's like a fulltime job in itself! But that means side projects get sidelined. Or even ignored. I don't want that. I want to bet on those bets too. Having side projects sustains me as a maker, keeps me going in the long term. I just love the variety – that's why I have a portfolio of product to start with! The things I learn from side projects help me level up, and eventually level up my revenue-generating projects too.

So I'm going to do what those with fulltime jobs do: Work on side projects on the weekend. That way I can chip at it consistently.

A few things I really want to get a move on:

- Improving editing features for Lifelog
- Building and launching career conversation cards project
- Pivoting Sheet2Bio
- Building and launching my social good project Inclusive Design SG
- Improving on Keto List Singapore, 5am creators
- Building whatever's fun or rejuvenating

I'm a fulltime indie solopreneur, but part-time side hustler.
Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

i call those side-side projects. i also have side-side-side projects! 🫠

Jason Leow Author

haha same here! My side projects have side projects πŸ˜‚

Jason Leow Author

Tickled by this, gonna tweet about it! πŸ˜‚

Jason Leow Author

Haha true, actually all my indie projects are side projects, but some are more side than others πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

LOL every indie maker can relate! πŸ˜‚

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

i always thought indie projects == side projects


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