Day 459 - Working in chaos -

Work under uncertainty:
- Hard work → Trial & error
- Focus → Many things at once
- Optimization → 80/20 rule
- Consistency → Intensity
- Avoid distractions → Embrace randomness
- Practice 10,000 hrs → 100 bets
- Goals → Stay in the game
- Efficiency → Slack in the system
– @davassallo

Working in chaotic situations calls for a completely different approach to working.

We’re used to working in predictable, stable environments. School, sports, office. There’s a rule book for working there, and it’s about following the rules.

Hard work, reducing distractions, increasing focus, making things more efficient and productive, 10k hours of practice makes perfect, set smart goals and KPIs.

That’s the rule book there. It’s familiar, it assuring. and it works.

In stable environments.

But throw yourself into entrepreneurship, social media, the jungle and any environment where things are more influenced by chance and chaos, and that rule book gets ripped to shreds.

Working in chance-based environments like entrepreneurship requires a total 180 flip on how I’m used to working. This is a totally different approach to work and working.

Not rule book but playbook.

I’m going to need to transform my identity from diligent, conscientious student to devil-may-care, ‘lazy’, “let me copy your homework” opportunistic trickster.

Less Thor, more Loki.

Ok this is gonna require more rewiring than I thought.