Day 462 - Fate loves irony, or how I came to thinking of starting a cohort based course -

The real idea you spent months perfecting. Zero demand.

The joke idea you tweeted on a whim. Validated demand.

Oh, how Fate loves irony.

I tweeted something as a joke. As sort of a satirical shitpost about how everyone and their grandma is launching a cohort based course.

Apparently the joke was lost on everyone, but instead of moving on, they stopped at my tweet and did something surprising - they replied about wanting to sign up!

So now the joke’s on me. 🙃

I wasn’t even planning to create a course. I don’t even like coaching! But now I feel like I must because of everyone’s kind support.

So now I’m seriously considering starting a cohort based course, probably associated with Lifelog. It might look like this, broadly:

Low-to-medium touch on time and socializing. Something great for introverts!
Low bar for commitment. Engage in pockets, at the edges of your day.
As little content/curriculum as possible, delivered over email or messages. Just enough to take the first step, and maybe the next.
Asynchronous. Check in, check out. Anytime.
Self-paced, broadly structured.
Free(?!), or freemium, like small payment for maybe events(?).
Write in public, chat on Telegram/Discord.
To be honest, I have no idea how that can look like. What should it even try to achieve?

Writing better? Or just developing a daily writing habit?

I should speak to users more.

*What else should I be considering? What other aspects of a typical cohort based course do you hate?