Day 590 - Sleep & inflammation -

Sleep makes chronic inflammation in the body worse. That’s something I learned since starting sleep biohacking, but only something I experienced for myself, on myself recently.

I’ve not been getting good sleep, nor enough sleep.

A deadly combination of low spirits, zero motivation plus household commitments meant my sleep is poorly managed these days.

I don’t sleep on time.
I don’t wind down before bed.
I forget to exercise.
I don’t de-stress.
I eat more junk.
I eat too late.
I scroll my phone even at night.
I drink too much water.
I drink too little water.

And as a result, the inflammation in my body seems to have gotten worse. I think I’ve always had it but it was never that serious. These days, I have eczema on both legs, and it seems to flare and itch on days when I don’t sleep well/enough. Exercise helps to reduce inflammation but I’ve not been on top of that, so inflammation is probably off the charts these days.

My health goal is to be 10 years younger than my calendar age, but seriously I feel like the opposite now, 10 years older, like in my 50s.

What can I do to turn this situation around?

I don’t know.

I’ve not been stuck this long.

But writing down, being aware, identifying it as I am doing here, is definitely the first few steps.
