Day 388 - Reducing EMF exposure for better sleep -

I’d been trying to reduce my exposure to electromagnetic fields. Allegedly, chronic EMF exposure can lead to fertility issues, oxidative stress, and poor sleep. I’m most interested in the poor sleep part, but of course, any tangential health benefits is also appreciated.

A few glaring things in the house that emits the most EMF:

• Wifi router (including your neighbour’s)
• Smartphones
• Laptop
• Speakers
• Any other wireless/Bluetooth devices like Airpods, smart home devices like TVs, Roomba

For me, the best place to start is my work desk and bedroom, since I spend almost all my time in either every day, and it’s the places with the most electronics. A few things I’m experimenting with:

• Replacing wireless electronics with wired ones
• Switching off devices when not in use
• Adding EMF protection