Day 307 - Spending only money that you made from investing money

Here’s a loopy money mindset idea:

What if you only spent money that you made from invested money?

Money that you did not directly earn from your job or any sort of work, but from 2nd or 3rd order sources after having used it to make more money?

Imagine paying for fun things like drinks, clothes, shows, movies, travel, fine dining, but with money from your investment/trading account. Or your business. Or an asset. Or a course you took, a seminar you went, or a book you bought from which you then made something to sell.

I think this is a great practice. It can start from limiting luxury spending to money you made from investing money. Later on, if you do well, even your basic necessities can be paid through that.

I’d love to try it, and see where that takes me.