Day 474 - Non-obvious traits of opportunistic opportunities -

As part of my practice to spot opportunity, I’ve been verbalizing this daily morning question:

“What opportunity can I leverage on today that will have the most impact for the least work?”

During the day, I would put on that hat of an opportunistic trickster, and try to find things that might give that degree of leverage.

What exactly do I look for? How do I know an opportunity is one by just looking?

Here’s a few non-obvious traits I look for:

• Not originating from routine: I try to look for them in places or platforms where I don’t frequent.
• Potential for virality or scale: All things being equal, sending a random DM to one person has less possibility for scale or amplification than say a tweet.
• Inspiration is perishable, act immediately: This is a bit harder to describe. It’s just a feeling. Call it inspiration, a light bulb moment, gut instinct, or just a “Hmmm!” It’s a I-don’t-know-what-but-I’m-gonna-just-go-for-it moment.

What else did I miss?