Day 517 - June goals -

I mentioned I needed a reality check in my May wrap-up. But here’s the thing: the best reality checks isn’t sitting down to think, trying to squeeze out some insight or plan. It’s about letting it rise out and emerge from within, without getting in its way.

It’s not artificially forced, but naturally arising.

So that’s what I’m going to do. By doing nothing, by having no goals, no targets, no intentions (other than the intention to have no intention, if that counts as one haha).

And just do whatever comes, whatever inspires. And see where that brings me, what it shows me.

Just being still in movement, being active in stillness. And observe.

It’s not about passive. It’s not about being lazy, sedentary or having no appointments, even though it can look that way. The outward form is misleading, if we just focus on what it looks like on the outside.

Kind of like meditation, but not the neatly sitting down kind, but messily living it out type. This practice of aimlessness is tricky, but effective.

And guess what? There’s no better way to spend my birthday month—my 43rd round trip around the sun—than to just be!