Day 327 - Sleeping in for 5am-ers

Most people sleep in on weekends to pay back the sleep debt they owe during the week. But for someone like me who wakes at 5am anyway on weekends, how do I sleep in?

By sleeping earlier.

While folks switch off their alarm clocks on weekends, I would switch it on. Not to wake up early, but to sleep early. As a reminder that I need to get in bed by 8:30pm latest.

For at least one day a week, I’ll plan to sleep early and hit my 90% score.

• Alarm clock at 7:30pm to remind me to shower and start to prep for bed
• Alarm clock at 8:00pm to remind that I should be in bed now
• Sleeping in the study to avoid getting woken up that day

So far so good. Hit 92% on Sunday night!