Day 654 - Following chaotic evil energy -

I've always been a methodical person. Wait, correction: I'm not naturally a meticulous from young but got conditioned into it by school and work.

But that's how I am now out of force of habit. Doing things in terms of priorities, in a methodical fashion. Even if I don't feel like it. Acting with integrity and duty, in accordance to a righteous code of ethics and values.

[Lawful good](, they say.

But struggling with a client report lately forced me to try something else: the chaotic evil approach.

That means no regard for rules, method or sequence. Just doing what feels good and is aligned to my own desires without much regard to how it affects others or other parts of the system. Essentially, not behaving themselves.

So for my work, it looks like this:

- Lawful good: I would always plan to finish A first before going to B. Methodical, meticulous, sequential.
- Chaotic evil: Do whichever I prefer or feel for. Even if piecemeal. As long as there's progress, any bit goes.

Following that chaotic evil energy felt especially powerful when feeling stuck. And it was pretty effective in getting momentum going to eventually work on the sections where I feel more stuck on.

Which made me think: ***What if I did this for my entire indie solopreneur approach?***

That's what my [Opportunistic Trickster identity-based goal]( is about, isn't it? Traits like:

- Has too much fun, oftentimes at the disapproval of others
- Takes nothing too seriously, even when others are serious
- Keen sense of asymmetric chances to win big
- Acts on asymmetry and actually wins
- Doing random is second nature

Are all about following chaotic evil energy without guilt or shame.

For the longest time, following this particular identity-based goal out of the 4 had been the hardest for me, because being lawful good is ingrained. I also found it imagine ways I can practice that identity. It was hard to make it tactical and tangible. But feels like I'm on to something tangible here.

Chaotic evil > lawful good.