Day 653 - Odds increasers -

Big lesson in entrepreneurship: NOTHING guarantees success.

Yes there's lots of necessary factors that lead to it. Things like hard work, consistency, enjoying the process, capital, luck, being smart.

But none itself are sufficient.

It's not enough to just work hard.
It's not enough to consistently show up everyday.
It's not enough to enjoy the process or product.
It's not enough to have access to capital.
It's not enough to be lucky.
It's not enough to be smart.

In fact, put them all together in one person or business, and it still doesn't guarantee anything.

Another way to debunk it: For every necessary factor, you can find a success stories where said successful person didn't have it or need it. Lazy people winning the game is the kind of stories we hate to admit exists.

So all we're doing is to up the odds of winning the game. Our real job is just to do things that increase probability of success.

Nothing more. It's all probability.

And anyone who says "Do X and you'll succeed" is just trying to make money off your naivety and hope. We do that to ourselves too, because we *want to* have hope that our efforts and pain mean *something*. It's comforting to deny that reality is a dice game.

Every growth hack, entrepreneur trick, savvy business move - are simply odds increasers.

And we're all gamblers.

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.