😎 Got delete notifs together with deleting comment working

On delete of each comment, I got to also delete the different types of notifications that had went out together with the comment! Had to fetch and massage some data before using axios to delete:

- to delete notifs I need the IDs of each associated notif. The IDs of the notifs are not readily available as there's no relation between a notif and a comment (I know, maybe I should add that relation). So had to first GET request to my notifs endpoint, with filter params to search for the right notifs to delete. Filters includes containss (case sensitive) comment content, post slug, comment author being same as logged in user.
- once I got the output as an array of to-be-deleted notifs, use map() to create another simple array of just the notifs IDs, e.g. [ 501, 504 ]
- then map() to run the $axios.delete function to each notif ID using a for loop `for (let i = 0; i < this.notifsIds.length; i++)`, and finish with Promise.all()