Day 616 - 8h sleep goal: Review -

I said in mid August that I was going to try sleeping early to get [8h of sleep](, so that I can get myself back in reasonable shape for my consulting gig.

> So I’m going to try to get 8h of sleep every day from now till start of September. I’m going to exercise daily in the morning. I’m going to eat well. I’m going to wind down for the evening properly. I’m going to prioritize self care. I’m going to get my family on board for this. I’m going to do what’s required to:
> - Feel rested from sleep
> - Feel stronger in body
> - Feel sharper in mind

And almost one month since that intention, happy to report back that it really did help. In fact, I was surprised how much it helped.

Because the effects felt immediate and obvious. One month in I feel:

- Clearer in mind
- More rested
- More motivated for everything in life
- Exercised daily
- My spirits felt lifted and lighter
- Needed less coffee
- Didn't feel like I was struggling to get by each day
- Sleep pressure decreased - I had harder time falling asleep. It used to be immediate the moment my head hits the pillow (which on hindsight, might be too high sleep pressure)

Before, I was in kind of a low energy slump which I couldn't seem to extract myself out of. But with 8h sleep I started to climb out of it.

It's that simple.

So simple, I was surprised. Actually, cut that – I was shocked. I was shocked by how sleep deprived I actually really was. Goes to show just how important sleep is, and how my struggles can be traced back to the vicious loops of my poor sleep hygiene (sleeping late, getting less than 7h sleep, not winding down enough). I was carrying to accumulated burden of sleep debt and it was seeping into everything I did in life.

Therefore, slump.

So I'm continuing this 8h thing.

I'm not done yet with my sleep debt yet.