Day 80 - Console logging as a way of work & life

Without a way to see how my inputs would lead to an expected output, it’s hard to do it well. No wonder my marketing efforts fell flat most of the time. So how can I console log this for marketing?

Analyze current data and find the right marketing problem to solve. Who’s my audience?
What’s working now w.r.t. marketing, no matter how tiny? Find them and repeat.
What’s not working? Find them and stop doing them.
What’s worth experimenting with? Research and test.
Break things down to solvable chunks. Start with a $100 MRR plan first.
What are the patterns and/or ordered steps to get to $100 MRR?
What inputs do I need each step along the way towards $100 MRR plan
What outputs should I expect at each step before moving on to the next?

Anything else I missed or could/should do?