Day 304 - October wrap-up

– MRR: US$60 [No change, still need 4 more subs]
– One-off revenue: ~ US$210

Twitter stats - Oct vs Sep
– Tweets: 1014 vs 931
– Tweet impressions: 322.7K vs 180K
– Likes: 3.1K vs 2.0K
– Engagement rate: 3.9% vs 3.7%
– Profile visits: 29.6K vs 16.9K
– Mentions: 720 vs 427
– New followers: 359 vs 90

I passed mid-point of my #100daysofmarketing challenge. YET, there were no new subscribers to Lifelog. Based on MRR movement being the ultimate metric of success for me, it’s hard to say I had any real success so far.

Will Lifelog be that one true SaaS that will bring me to $5k MRR? Might be hard to expect that for B2C. I want to try a B2B product in parallel next. Exploring now.

Most importantly, Oct was the month where I can finally say β€œI am a marketer”! The metamorphosis is complete, the new identity had finally stuck.

I think that shift alone makes Oct a win, despite the revenue woes.