Day 671 - Hot or not -

So I decided to [start afresh from zero]( for my products.

So let's do a honest "Hot Or Not" review of my products:

Outsprint Design - πŸ”₯ Hot
- I mistakenly looked down on it in the past, because I wanted to transit out of consulting to fulltime indie. But had since come round to it, and owning it now.
- It's totally running on its own momentum now, and I'm getting new opportunities every other week (sometimes from completely cold, unexpected sources).
- It's the only thing keeping my family alive - just finished a $30k project, got another $7.6k one coming.

Plugins For Carrd - πŸ”₯ Hot
- A project that started as a side project but really should be the main one.
- Right from get-go, it kind of marketed itself (still don't know how that worked!).
- From making a few fun dollars from digital downloads to it's now making more money per month than my SaaS products. Suffice to say, I'm doubling down on this next.

Lifelog - 🌢 Spicy
- This was my main project but sadly product-market fit wasn't forthcoming.
- I realised this should really be my hobby project, because it continues to have a special place in my heart in the same way a hobby does. I love to write and continue to write daily, and I enjoy hanging out with the community here.
- So while it's seemingly 'downgraded' to side project status, I still want to keep working on it.

5am creators - 🌢 Spicy
- A non revenue-generating project, done just for fun and learning.
- Sleep continues to be of major interest and relevance in my life, so I'm still into it.
- But I no longer market it as I prefer a tighter knit, self elected group.
- It does have some potential though to become a paid thing, even though I have no idea what it might look like.
- Some future ideas - ebook/email course on sleep biohacking, paid membership, Telegram bot to track sleep streaks

Sheet2Bio - ❄️ Not
- Started with a bang, getting lots of likes and support on Twitter, but it was totally a nice-to-have vitamin, not a painkiller.
- Sales was just 1 LTD. No product-market fit.
- Still want to make it a more proper SaaS, build out the home page and onboarding etc, but no grand ambitions for it.
- Might have to try freemium model.

Keto List Singapore - ❄️ Not
- This started with solving a specific need for my diet, but soon lapsed into lack of updates.
- It's still a unique product within the keto scene in Singapore, but my motivation to continue building it is low, as my diet had evolved.

Sweet Jam Sites - ❄️ Not
- Did a few web design projects. Earned maybe $1k cumulatively.
- But the Stackbit platform that I enjoyed building on changed drastically, and it's less fun to build on now.
- Lost interest after a while.

It's obviously which products I should be doubling down on, which ones are hobbies, and which ones are on the decline.

*Act accordingly.*