Day 306 - Engineering-as-marketing

Engineering-as-marketing is a term to describe building side products to help marketing and funnel people to your main product. It’s something I’d been meaning to do for Lifelog like forever.

So my approach is to leverage existing code to build out single feature apps that does one thing well. Think of it as carving out a standalone feature within Lifelog to create a micro-SaaS.

A few of Lifelog’s features that might work, and some possible ideas:

• Word counter in the write page - word count tool for people who need a word count on the browser
• The 50+ writing prompts on home/write page - writing prompts app, Chrome extension? Or it could be a journal reflections app/bot that sends out daily messages to users? Or I could combine it with the Unsplash API and create gallery of beautiful images with the reflection questions.
• Image generator for writings - we generate so many words here daily, but there’s no real easy way to share it except the URL. What if we could tap on image transformation API tools like Placid, Cloudinary, or Jitbit to allow users to generate a beautiful shareable image for their writings, to post on social media?
• Roadmap - Finish coding the roadmap to finally have the commenting and upvoting features, and carve it out as a standalone micro-SaaS? There’s many products in this space and they all do a lot, but perhaps there’s room for a scaled down basic version for use cases like mine. But this feels like a 1 month project at least…
• Lifelog content - mint NFTs related to content on Lifelog, e.g. the very first post on Lifelog, first code commit, or noteable quotes. And release on Opensea. This will be fun!
• Javascript code snippets that I used for Lifelog - share Codepen code snippets like for the notification bell animation, the snackbar animation, dropdown selection for timezones, etc
Carl Poppa 🛸

Lol you got dice at home?

Carl Poppa 🛸

can't decide which one to work on first? or can't decide if you want to go ahead with any of it at all?

Jason Leow Author

Really?! Cant decide leh…

Jason Leow Author

Cant decide which one first

Carl Poppa 🛸

these all sound like really good ideas


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