Day 723 - All I want for Christmas as an indie -

I don't usually don't celebrate Christmas, but it's still fun to think about what I want for Christmas, as a writing prompt. So in order of priority:

1. Good health
2. Ramen profitability
3. Family time
4. Freedom and fun
5. Travel

You can't achieve anything without good health. As I move into my mid-40s, I'm all the more aware how fragile this bag of flesh and bones is. Without good physical health, I can't even chase after my toddler son, and play with him. Without mental wellness, I'll be too stuck in my moods that I can't enjoy what life has to offer. Riches and freedom are no use if I'm sick all the time. So health—and always health—is the first mover.

Ramen profitability is second in priority because to thrive, first you got to survive. Priorities priorities priorities. The dry season from the past pandemic years taught this lesson well and hard. I made the decision to continue with consulting instead of thinking of it as something transitory. And thankfully it always came through at the last minute, and saved me from having to go back to a 9-to-5. I learned the lesson of cockroach survival at all costs deeply. And the only way to be grateful for that lesson is to live it out properly in the coming years.

Family time is next in line. You're always replaceable at your job, but you're not replaceable at home. If I shut down all my products tomorrow, nobody will miss my presence in one week or month. But my absence will be sorely felt at home. As much as my indie solo career gives me lots of meaning, purpose and fulfilment, it's hardly the most important identity or core of what makes me ME. Writing this down is an important reminder to myself at least of what truly matters.

Freedom and fun is 4th in priority. Ok I covered my bases, so comes self-actualisation. Going indie was ultimately about freedom – freedom from location, people I don't like working with, projects I don't feel for, meetings I hate attending. It's also about the promise of financial freedom, whilst taking full control of how I get there. Fun is how I'd like to get there.

Finally, travel – the only luxury item on the list. I forgotten how travel feels like. And travel might have changed permanently for me in the next 10 years or so, because it'll be near impossible to travel solo. I can hope that there's still a chance I can do so. Yet at the same time, also find ways to enjoy a different way of traveling now, with a kid in tow. Maybe those memories will be different, and bring a different meaning to travel.

*So what do you want for Christmas?*