Day 825 - You only have freedom if you use it -

For me, being an indie solopreneur was about the freedom to decide today is an off day and I'm going cycling at the beach with my wife and kiddo.

But I rarely ever exercise that freedom.

Glad I finally did yesterday.


The grind is sometimes so all-consuming. There's always something to do. Something to fire-fight. Something to improve on. The work is never truly done done. I mean... I love it. I enjoy the work. It feeds me, mind, body and spirit. But I always like to say, any virture brought to extremes turns into vice.

If I had a freedom but I never exercised it, never used it to my benefit nor enjoyed it, then do I truly have that freedom? If I'm always holding myself back from taking that freedom, for whatever good or bad reasons, is that freedom truly mine?

> If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

I think no. It's just an impression of freedom. A mirage. But we're shackled by other chains that holds us back from drinking from it.

I only have real freedom of or from something if I actually exercise it.

When I live it out.

Like yesterday.