Tunnel Vision [69/365]

Day 69 of 365 of my daily writing challenge

Jason Leow

I struggled initially with remembering to write daily too. It took some experimenting to find the best timing to write - a time which is stable/unchanging, and unlikely to be disturbed. Initially I went with evening after dinner, but since having a kid, I went for post-lunch. And reminder alarms did help initially too - just a daily alarm in the evening to ask if you had written for the day, just in case I missed it.

Marin Gilles Author

That's true, and that helped me a lot too. With my job though, I have to be on-call for some time and it can end up eating the whole evening without me realizing. When 1AM rings, I can't even think about writing.

Jason Leow

Wow, yeah that would be tough for anyone. Try find some time when you don't have to be on-call?


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