Day 755 - Simple man, simple things -

I'm a simple man. I just want a few simple things in life now:

Earn enough
Feed my family
Stay indie

Despite all the intentions I set in the year about [8 forms of capital](, [open questions I have for 2023](, and the [diverse portfolio of projects]( I run, I think if I had to narrow it down, those 3 things would be it. In fact, the first one is a function of the second, so I can even wittle it down to two.

Just being able to feed my family of 5 (including me)—2 elderly parents, my wife and toddler son—is my main mission in life right now. Being the sole breadwinner, the past 3 years had been challenging to say the least. We were in a survival crisis. I was in fight or flight mode most of the time. It was tough. My headspace wasn't in the best shape. I even tried looking for a job once, because things looked that bleak. Thankfully, it didn't pan out. I think after a decade of self-employment, I'm no longer seen as employable. Teh funny thing is, I don't see myself as employable too. So indie is the only path now. I have to make it work. Beside mere surviving, preventing my indie life being taken away from me is my next most important mission.

Maybe these are my real 2023 resolutions...

Just feed the fam, and stay indie.

Simple man, simple things.