Day 662 - Rest, the best biohack for stress -

I've been thinking about my [new goal for biohacking stress](

Sure there's lots of hacks I can use and do, but as I learn from my sleep and diet biohacking, often the simplest and most basic ones are the most effective.

For sleep, it's simply sleeping more.
For diet, it's eating whole single ingredient foods.

How about stress? I think it's REST.

So simple and basic, but so hard for the workaholic me. It's like my Achilles heel. I like working and enjoy my work. Plus the stress of survival and feeding the family, it's a sure formula for cyclical burnout and chronic stress. Which was what really happened.

I struggle to rest, that's why I'm so stressed.

So just setting boundaries, putting time aside to rest, might already help a lot.

Ok blocking weekends, off days and alone time is important. I do that now. I don't work or check social media on weekends. I intentionally took a week off after my consultancy project to rest.

It's also about the different types of rest. The [7 types of rest](

- Physical rest - passive rest like sleeping, napping, active rest like yoga, stretching
- Mental rest - short breaks, long breaks, vacations
- Sensory rest - bright lights, screens, conversations
- Creative rest - walks in nature, being in the forest or sea, enjoying the arts,
- Emotional rest - express feelings, say no
- Social rest - toxic relationships or interactions
- Spiritual rest - connecting to something bigger than oneself, through prayer, meditation

Lots to do and experiment with.

Jason Leow Author

Same. And realised that that's no longer serving me… a long road to rehab I feel

Walter Jenkins

I love the idea of different types of rest. I struggle with not working as well. At this point if I’m not asleep I’m working or thinking about working.


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